My Story

The seed for Rachel’s Sweet Bakes planted itself when I, Rachel, was 10ish years old. I discovered my love for baked goods as I started baking for my family and friends. When asked about what I wanted to be when I grew up I would answer that I wanted to open a bakery. Now, two decades later, I finally did it!

July 2023, Rachel’s Sweet Bakes opened! It seemed to be the right time as I moved to part-time at my job and was at home more with my then 3-month old. After a few months, it became apparent that it was all too much! After a lot of prayer, reflection, and conversations, I decided to leave my job in January 2024 to focus on my son and this business!



My passion for baking is born out of a love of community. You can always trust a high-quality, delicious, and beautiful baked good to bring people closer together! Find my blog post here!


Using locally and ethically sourced, quality ingredients as much as I can is a way to uplift my community and elevate my goods. Find my blog post here!


I want to put out quality baked goods in flavor, texture, and looks. To continue to produce quality goods, I am committed to learning, growing, and changing as there is so much I don’t know! Find my blog post here!