Value 1 of 3: Community

My favorite thing about baked goods is that they have the ability to bring people together, to create and foster community.

Community is a word that I have heard and used a lot in my years. There are two contexts in which I have used this word. The first is a spiritual context where community means a group of people who come together because of Jesus to know and care for each other. The second is a physical context. I am located in the community of Crown Point, IN. It is not very often that I have talked about community and meant both my physical community and a place of mutual care. That is something I would like to change.

I want my physical community, the community of Crown Point (and the surrounding area) to be a community that I know and care for. I want to serve and connect with those around me.

When opportunities come my way or when I am creating opportunities, I will ask myself “Will this serve my community?” If the answer is “no,” then that opportunity is not for me. If the answer is “not sure,” then I need to spend extra time discerning if it is something I need to do or pass on.

I have SO MANY ideas (like usual) about what I can do with this business. I am excited for this value to help guide and narrow these ideas. There are a few concrete things that have come from my reflection on this value. Some of them are:

  • Host community baking and decorating classes

  • Get involved in the Crown Point Market and in other events happening in the area

  • Donate baked goods to/for things in our community

  • Connect with and uplift local businesses

  • Search for local goods to use in my baking

The one that I am most excited about is the community classes. I find a lot of joy in teaching and fostering connection. I can’t wait to do that with cake! How fun!

Community is something my heart is always craving. Now, I have this opportunity to be more intentional to find and create community in my neighborhood and city and I hope you join me.


Jesus, Rev. Dr. King, and Us: An MLK Day Devotional


Baking and a Scarcity Mindset