Jesus, Rev. Dr. King, and Us: An MLK Day Devotional

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a revolution that changed America forever. His work wasn’t just for his fellow Black Americans or the poor and oppressed. It was for all of us. His work shaped and guided our nation toward healing, redemption, and reconciliation, for all. We often ask the question of how he did this and we talk about politics, civil engagement, non-violent protest, community organizing, and powerful speeches. Sometimes, we even ask why and we talk about equality, dignity, and freedom for all. But, why did he believe and fight for equality, dignity, and freedom? Because he himself experienced this through Jesus.

Jesus launched his ministry on earth by reading and declaring Isaiah 61. He established that passage as the mission of himself and the Kingdom of God. We can clearly see that Rev. Dr. King carried on this mission and, therefore, joined in the outworking of the Kingdom of God in America. But before being able to join Jesus outwardly, he had to join him inwardly. Rev. Dr King had to let the healing, redemptive power of Jesus spoken of in Isaiah 61 transform and heal his own heart. The more this happened to Rev. Dr. King, the more he craved the same for his fellow Americans.

Not all of us are called to lead nationwide movements like Rev. Dr. King, but we are all called to join Jesus in the outworking of Isaiah 61. Before we can do that, we must experience and know the inward working of Jesus. Jesus is inviting us to know deeply and intimately his healing and transformation as he proclaims good news over us, binds up our broken hearts, sets us free, releases us from darkness, comforts us, and bestows on us beauty, joy, and a spirit of praise. This is a life-long process, but as we walk with Jesus and experience his healing more and more, he guides us to join him in his work. He invites us to join him as he proclaims good news over our children, binds up the broken hearts of our neighbors, proclaims freedom over the poor and oppressed, releases our cities from darkness, and bestows beauty, joy, and a spirit of praise on our government leaders.

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. Where in your life have you experienced Jesus at work (his good news, healing, freedom, release from darkness, comfort, beauty, joy, spirit of praise)?

  2. Where in your life right now do you need Jesus to work?

  3. Where in your family, city, church, or nation do you see Jesus at work?

  4. Where in your family, city, church, or nation do you long to see Jesus at work?


Spend some time praising and thanking God for your answers to 1 and 3 and praying for Jesus to work in your answers to 2 and 4.


Values 2 and 3 of 3: Ingredients and Quality


Value 1 of 3: Community